
Title Price
25 Common Mistakes Attorneys Make in Voir Dire

Based on decades of observing attorneys selecting jurors in trials, Dr. Pigott published an article listing the top...

Ethics in Litigation Research

The ways in which ethical considerations are a part of jury or fact finder research is the basis...

Junk Science is Junk, not Science

This program is designed to educate attorneys about the differences between properly conducted arbitration, mediation, and jury research provided by...

Jurors Say the Darndest Things

Jurors have the ability to surprise, shock, and amaze Magnus’ trial consulting team.  In the jurors’ efforts to...

Maximizing Voir Dire

Developing the skills to derive maximum benefit of the time and format available for jury selection is crucial...

The Attorney as Teacher

The role of the attorney during mediation, arbitration, or trial is to teach new information to the audience;...

Utilizing Psychological Science in ADR

Due to the increase in alternative dispute resolution (ADR), it is important to consider the decision making propensities of the...

Utilizing Psychological Science in Litigation

The explanation of the science employed in litigation research is the goal of this program. Clarifying the process...
